
Damned Lies


Private Stock

So, if you're looking for a crude, ritualistic diatribe, not altogether irrelevant, sometimes half-witted, but truly sincere, stay with us.


What do "conservative" and like terms really mean? It's ambiguous. Politically conservative, religiously conservative, financially conservative, socially conservative, etc ... ? It's certainly possible to be politically and financially conservative, yet to be religiously and socially liberal. No conflict whatsoever. One size does not fit all, contrary to the thinking of some fanatics, fundamentalists, or media pundits. The same applies to other terms such as liberal, left, right, progressive, socialist. But not to other terms such as communist or fascist, which are inherently evil, or to the very special terms "whacko" or "nut case", which imply mental derangement or cognitive impairment. Please see the glossary.

Our Orientation

We here at this bastion of clear thinking are politically and financially conservative, religiously liberal, socially moderate, and not whacko. If you are a religious fundamentalist of any ilk, please to leave.

We love FREEDOM, but with certain limits. It's wrong to yell FIRE! in a crowed room. We love CAPITALISM, but with limited and smart regulations reining it in, human nature being what it is. Unbridled capitalism is as bad as unbridled unionism and socialism.

We love FAIR COMPETITION in the marketplace and sports: Without marketplace competition we get price fixing and monopolies. And sports - it's built on competition!     We hate competition in social settings - bombastics and extroverts should not dominate peaceful gatherings. Ideas should speak louder than screamers.

We believe in COMPASSION and CHARITY, but social welfare should not be a way of life. We believe "welfare" is best administered on a local level, not at the federal level. Everyone needs a helping hand at some point. This will certainly lead to dissimiliar benefits among the various states and communities. But so what: People should get what they pay for and pay for what they want. Distribution of wealth is NOT one of our goals. Promotion of self reliance is.

We love LIMITED GOVERNMENT. We hate the way the US Government has devolved into graft, corruption, excessive bloat, CYA thinking, and a bunch of sometimes-elitist / sometimes-populist morons and crooks pandering to big money, big unions, and poorly educated voters. We regret the extinction of "statesmen-philosophers", be they male or female.

We bemoan the lack of an "educated" middle class. We believe that "educators", from K thru Phd's, have done a very poor job in their workplace. Moron voters have elected moron representatives in our republic, and we have all gotten what we paid for - politically speaking. Maybe a little tea will give some relief.

This Letter will "call it as we see it". What's to lose? Why mince words? We aren't bound by political correctness. It's a dirty job, but somebody's got to do it. But, there's a lot of good things happening by any standard of imagination. We will point that out also. And, it's important to remain optimistic in the face of adversity. After all, as US Citizens we really shouldn't complain much when many in the Third World are suffering far worse than US Citizens. Reasons for this will be discussed in this letter.

The editorial board will be soliciting opinions, articles, cartoons, etc. from our loyal readers. Sharpen up your quills. Every newsletter is free. There will never be a charge for the dissemination of our information.