Politics today is a joke.
The majority of people I know think that the majority of Congress persons are stealth-crooks, morons, or brain-dead. The leftist/socialist agenda that Obama has been pushing, combined with the salivating, money-spending Democrats and many Republicans, has driven the U.S.A. into a precarious state.

It seems our national debt can never be paid off legitimately. Only through the printing of fiat money could the bonds, notes, and bills ever be paid. It's a ponzi scheme: make new loans to pay off old debts. And the value of our money keeps going down. So then, the politicians must throw more and more money at their ever so "important" projects, buying more votes, and sinking the U.S.A. deeper into debt.

When will someone have the guts to say enough is enough?

Probably when the U.S.A. has been reduced to a third world economy by the socialists and their marxist comrades in Congress, and an Autocracy or Oligarchy gets set up.

Does the U.S.A. deserve this? Of course! The sucker always gets what they pay for. The population of the U.S.A. consists mostly of unthinking morons. Many of these morons are young people who have been told how "special" they are, but have been taught nothing of world history that would help them decide who to elect. The uninformed, uncritical, idealists have bought a load of crap from Obama, not realizing he had a completely different agenda than they had been "imagining".

However, the politicians, though now morally corrupt, probably weren't that way when first elected. They were probably idealistic, filled with hubris, but lacking any real power when compared to the banking-industrial complex. They were turned to the dark side. They were weak, or already partially brain dead. Or, they were savy and knew exactly what they were getting into. Either way, they went bad. They lost the principles they may have had. Approximately 535 people have sold the rest of us down the drain - for a few pieces of silver.