Results for the Fullerton Elks Golf Club Tournament on Nov. 7th at the
Westridge Golf Course:
We had a four man scramble made up of 77 players.
1st place: Walt Edmonds, Larry Sears, Ralph Terrazes, Jim Mc Atee.
2nd place: Steve Vartanion, Rich Wilcox, Jack Gordan, Mark Graham.
3rd place: Bill McKenny, Jim Esquivel, Dave LoBinsky, Rene Ortiz.
4th place: Jack Yeago, Mike Maglione, Rich Schmidt, Bill Aye.
5th place: mike Davis, Ken Vanderlin, Don McDaniel, Bill Richards.
The Fullerton Elks Golf Club next tournament will be at Fullerton Golf Course
after the Holidays on Feb 6, 2012. The new schedule will be in the
December issue of the Hilltop Bugle.
The Fullerton Elks Golf Club held it's first election of new officers.
The results:
President: Walt Wagner
Vice President: Bill Richards
Treasurer: Martin McAllister
Secretary: Ralph Terrazes
Tournament Director: Walt Wagner
Chairman at Large: Bob Bean
Questions regarding Tournaments should be Directed to Walt Wagner,(714) 956-9348
Thankyou to the outgoing officers:
President Mike Magiloni and Phil Keifer, Secretary and then Treasurer.
Thankyou for the new incomming officers. Have a good time golfing guys & gals.
See you next year.
Results for the Fullerton Elks Golf Club Tournament on Oct 3rd at the
Royal Vista golf course:
We had a four team scramble made up of 68 players. Results:
1st place: Jack Ehlers, Jacob Johnston, Ben Chamness, Paul Kerly.
2nd place: Don Cullen, Rick Ritter, Sonny Vasquez, Phil Kiefer.
3rd place: Dan Doty, Ken Dudley, Woody Woodburn, Bill Scherger.
4th place: Rudy Montoya, Matt Kreger, Don Mc Daniel, Rene Ortiz.
5th place: Tom Arrola, John White, Bob Fleming, Joe Chevy.
Closest to pin: team #12 - Jack Ehlers, Jacob Johnston, Ben Chamness, Paul Kerly.
Long Putt: team #16 - Jerry Jackson Rich Wilcox, Phil Tourville, Al Fleming.
The Fullerton Elks Golf Club next Tournament will be at Westridge Golf Course
on November 7th. Following the November 7th tournament will be the Annual Awards
Banquet with election of next years officers at Portofino's Restraurant off of
Whitter Blvd in La Habra. We will be taking our annual winter break and will be
starting our 2012 schedule at the Fullerton Golf Course on February 6, 2012.
Questions regarding Tournaments should be directed to: Walt Wagner (714) 956-9348.
Have a good time golfing guy's and gal's. See you at the banquet !!!!!!
Results for the Fullerton Elks Golf Club Tournament on Aug 8 2011:
At Westridge Golf Course, we had a four man team scramble made up of 76
players. Results:
1st place: Bill McKinney, Buzz Buxbaum, Don McDaniel, Paul Kerly.
2nd place: Jack Ehlers, Jacob Johnson, Rich Schmidt, Bill Scherger.
3rd place: Javier Magane, Bruce Beck, Wayne Smith, Woody Woodburn.
4th place: Karl Seeken, Gene Smith, Bob Bean, Jack Keegan.
5th place: Jeff Larson, Bill Georgie, Mark Graham, Manuel Lemelli.
Honorable Mention: Tied for fifth place, lost on 1st Handicap hole:
Don Boyles, Larry Johnson, Rudy Montoya, Jim Larson.
Closest to Pin:
Team #1 Don Cullen, Mark Hollingsworth, Mike Spratt, Kelli Moltmen.
Both Long Putt Holes:
Team #2 Chang Cho, Young Chi, Jack Gordan, Joe Giasone.
The Fullerton Golf Club next monthly Tournament will be at Cresta Verde Golf
Course September 12th, Royal Vista October 3rd and final Tournament for 2011
will be at Westridge on November 7th. Following the November 7th Tournament
will be the Annual Awards Banquet with election of next years officers at
Portofino's Restaurant in Whitter.
Questions regarding Tournments should be directed to: Walt Wagner (714) 956-9348
Have A Goodtime Golfing Guys & Gals.
Results for the July 11, 2011, Fullerton Elks Golf Tournament:
At Indian Hills golf course, we had a four man team scramble made
up of 65 players. Results:
1st place: Walt Wagner, Martin McAllister, Jack Gordon, Tom Conlon.
2nd place: Jack Ehlers, Jacob Johnson, Dick Moore.
3rd place: Terry Pierce, Ron Lamb, Bob Muscle, Claude Lowe.
4th place: Jim Collins, Walter Edmonds, Don McDaniel, Fred Baker.
5th place: Roger Bales, Dan Doty, Al Fleming, Chet Clemens.
Closest to Pin: Team #13 Jack Ehlers, Jacob Johnson, Dick Moore.
Long Putt: Team #10 Robert Serrano, Bob Fleming, Ben Chamness,
Bill Fields.
The Fullerton Golf Club next Monthly Tournament will be at
Westridge on August 8th, Crest Verde on September 12th, Royal Vista
on October 3rd, and final tournament for 2011 will be at Westridge
on November 7th.
Following the November 7th tournament will be the annual awards
banquet with election of next years officers at Porto Fino's
restaurant in Whitter.
Questions regarding tournaments should be directed to:
Walt Wagner (714) 956-9348
Results for the June 6, 2011, Fullerton Elks Golf Tournament:
We had 71 players present for the June Fullerton Elks Golf Tournament.
1st place team #12 Tom Arrola, Al Cooper, Phil Kiefer.
2nd place team #4 Walt Wagner, Javier Magana, Bob Bean, Tyler Van Dyk.
3rd place team #5 Joe Venages, Bob Fleming, Sam Moore, Bill Fields.
4th place team #16 Dick Lamka, Dave Weatherill, Jack Gordan, Tom Conlon.
5th place team #8 Don Boyles, Gene Smith, Sonny Vasquez, Jim Larson.
Long Putt: Team #8 Don Boyles, Gene Smith, Sonny Vasquez, Jim Larson.
Closest to the Pin: team #9 Phil Oram, Rick Ritter, Ron Lamb, Dick Moore.
Results for the May 2, 2011 Fullerton Elks Golf Tournament:
We had 69 players present for the May Fullerton Elks Golf Tournament.
The first and second place teams ended up in a tie so the handicap holes
had to determine the winner. Also, the fourth and fifth place teams ended
up in a three way tie and the handicap holes had to determine the winners.
1st place team #6 Joe Venages, Bob Bean, Ron Lamb, Joe Campanell.
2nd place team #4 Walt Wagner, Jeff Larson, Dennis Hatthaway, Bill Fields.
3rd place team #7 Jim Collins, Bob Fleming, Matt Kreger, Bill Richards.
4th place team #15 Roger Bales, Rick Ritter, Mike Maglione, Carl Martorano.
5th place team #1 Don Cullen, Don Helton, Rich Schmidt, Manual Lomeli.
Lost in handicap holes. Team #16 Ralph Terrazes, Bruce Beck, Chuck Frazer, Jim Ragsdale.
Closest to the Pin: Team 15 Rager Bales, Rick Ritter, Mike Maglione, Carl Martorano.
Long Putt: team #16 Ralph Terrazes, Bruce Beck, Chuck Frazer, Jim Ragsdale.