- RV Hookups
We can accommodate 6 full-function, 50 amp service
RV hookups simultaneously.
No dry camping is permitted. Some form of hookup is required.
Meals and refreshments
The "View" restaurant in the Lounge room provides meals
and bar service. The Lodge room handles Thursday night
Lodge meetings, and hosts other events
when the Lodge is dark. Please see The Bugle for food menus.
- Banquets and Weddings - Hosting
The Hilltop Banquet Center hosts special events in the Main
Lodge Room when it's available.
- Sunday Brunch
Join us every second Sunday of the month for delicious food.
- Patio Barbecues
Commercial quality barbecues are available on the patio for
special occasions.
- Big Screen TV's
From the bar, watch your favorite sporting events.
- Game Room
Two pool tables, darts, Wii Games, cards, and popcorn.
- Panoramic View from The Hill
Our hilltop position lets you get away, if only temporarily,
from the hustle and bustle of life below. Elk members and
guests (accompanied by an Elk) are invited to share our facilities.
Members are required to show their cards upon entry.
- Special Events
When advertised, special events
show up on this page. More activities are described in the Hilltop Bugle.
- Other Activities - See the Hilltop Bugle or Calendar Page
for details.
- Jokers Wild and Bunco, Tuesdays
- Taco Saturdays
- Wednesdays are "Rib Nights"
- Community Outreach
- Special Child
- Teenager of the Month
- Student of the Month
- Hoop Shoot Contests
- Veterans Hospital Visits
- Karaoke Grill
- Happy Hour, Tue <-> Thu
- Golden Hearts Lectures
- Special Cruises, Long & Short
- Major Projects
- Web SiteOur web site is accessible from either of two domain names:
http://www.FullertonElksLodge1993.org, or http://FullertonElks.org. With either
name, the www. is optional. And, on some browsers, the http:// is optional.

Floor plan
of Lodge
Photos: Before and After (courtesy of Dennis Schul):
Completed New Lodge
on the same site as the original.
The view is looking southeast.
There is more floor space for activities and events. The Grand Opening
was held on April 12, 2008. Please see all of the other pages
to learn about the Elks.
Views from the street: Brea Boulevard.
This is the Old Lodge, looking northeast.
Please see the Lodge History page for more details.