Elk Passing |
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6/26/2014 New Members |
New Elks initiated - larger ![]() 17 new members of Fullerton Elks |
6/29/2014 |
The July, 2014, Hilltop Bugle is now available. |
5/5/2014 |
The May, 2014, Hilltop Bugle is now available. Also, The Officers Page now shows the 2014/2015 Officer's Pictures. |
Charity Golf Tournament Announcement, Armando Castro (son) and Richard Green, 1/29/2014 |
A Non-Profit Charity Golf tournament is being held for two reasons. One is to recognize Armando Marquez Castro 1922-2013 for his service to his country while serving in the Army Air Corp and Air Force as a tail gunner on a B-17 Flying Fortress Bomber. He flew 35 missions over enemy lines in World War II. He was a loyal and dedicated Fullerton Elks Lodge # 1993 member for many years, a strong supporter of Esperanza High School Softball , a dedicated member of the Fullerton Golf Course and a consistent player of the course. The second reason for this event is to raise funds to help support the female athletes that make up the Esperanza High School Softball program. For more information, follow this link to our Activities Page. |
February 2014 Bugle, Phil Marquez(PER) and Morgan McLaughlin, 1/24/2014 |
The February, 2014, Hilltop Bugle is now available. |
Purple Pig Gazette - Latest Issue Bob Farrens & Richard Green, 1/4/2014 |
![]() Showing our charitable donations. Click here. AND . . . ![]() Read about "The Great Purple Pig Race" ! |
January 2014 Bugle, Phil Marquez(PER) and Morgan McLaughlin, 12/27/2013 |
The January, 2014, Hilltop Bugle is now available. |
December 2013 Bugle, Phil Marquez(PER) and Morgan McLaughlin, 12/2/2013 |
The December Hilltop Bugle is now available. |
Teenager of the Month Steve Vartanian, 11/24/13 |
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Hoop Shoot Coming Up Steve Vartanian, 11/24/13 |
To: All Elks From: Steve Vartanian, Hoop Shoot Chairman Please invite all young people you know to our annual Hoop Shoot contest. They must fall in one of the following age groups to participate (boys and girls ages 8-9, 10-11 & 12-13; their age as of April 1, 2012). This is an Elk sponsored event. At our contest the young people will shoot the best of 25 free throws (10 in the first round and 15 in the second round). Boys ages 8-9 and all girls will use a regulation girl’s basketball. Boys ages 10-11 & 12-13 will use a regulation men’s basketball. I will provide the basketballs. They need to bring a copy of their birth certificate. Our event will be Saturday, December 10 at Fullerton College Woman’s Gym (south gym) which is closer to Chapman and the tennis courts. Ages 8-9 will shoot at 9:30 AM., ages 10-11 will shoot at 10:15 AM. & ages 12-13 will shoot at 11:15 AM. Please keep in mind that the spirit of this contest is to build self-esteem through basketball while reminding our young people to be 100% drug free. If you have any questions, please contact me at 714-390-0671 or e-mail me at vartanian1@aol.com. P.S. Please note that the college is located at the northwest corner of Chapman and Lemon. Park in Lot 6 or 7. |
Purple Pig Gazette - Latest Issue Bob Farrens & Richard Green, 11/6/2013 |
![]() This publication will show us how our charitable donations are being used around Elkdom. Feel free to print it out. Click here. |
November 2013 Bugle, Phil Marquez(PER) and Morgan McLaughlin, 10/27/2013 |
The November Hilltop Bugle is now available. |
October 2013 Bugle, Phil Marquez(PER) and Morgan McLaughlin, 9/30/2013 |
The October Hilltop Bugle is now available. |
September 2013 Bugle, Phil Marquez(PER) and Morgan McLaughlin, 9/10/2013 |
Please note the updated September Calendar in the Bugle and on the Calendar Page. |
September 2013 Bugle, Phil Marquez(PER) and Morgan McLaughlin, 8/24/2013 |
The September Hilltop Bugle is now available. |
WTLC, Richard Green, 8/18/2013 |
Our Lodge has chosen to help WTLC (With Tender Loving Care). Read all about it in this link to the Fullerton Business Journal. |
Special Child, Nyada Cline, 7/18/2013 On Thursday, July 18th, 2013, the Fullerton Elks hosted Special Child Luke Carnevale. Luke was born full-term in great health on October 30, 2007 to Jason and Lisa Carnevale. He is the youngest of 3 kids. Luke was a very happy baby and there was no reason to think anything was wrong except that he was slower than most in his motor and speech skills. When he was about 1 ½ years old the pediatrician referred his parents to a neurologist because they were a little concerned that he was not walking yet. In September of 2009 just before his 2nd birthday, a brain MRI confirmed that Luke had severe thinning of his corpus callosum and was also missing white brain matter. It was not until the summer of 2012 that we learned through genetic testing that he has a deletion of chromosome 13 which is very rare. |
Due to his genetic disorder Luke has global delays with his speech, fine and large motor skills. He is functionally about 2 years old. He is unable to walk on his own but can get around pretty well with his walker. He is currently working with speech, occupational and physical therapists. ![]() Dan Casey (PER) shakes hands with Luke, who enjoys watching Barney the dinosaur, exploring, and especially loves playing in water whether it is in a pool, at the river or in the bathtub! He loves playing ball with his brother Jonathan and going for wagon rides with his sister Jade. ![]() Acting Exalted Ruler Alan Kelly welcomed the Special Child Family and presented Luke with the Exalted Ruler pin. Marie Nunez presented a keychain to the father and flowers to mother. Gifts cards were presented to Jade & Jonathon. Mark Givens presented a Disney gift basket to Luke. Irene presented a mini I-pad to Luke. Submitted by Special Child Committee Members Nyada Cline, Irene Imhof, and Marie Nunez. Photos were taken by Phil Marquez (PER). |
August 2013 Bugle, Phil Marquez(PER) and Morgan McLaughlin, 7/24/2013 |
The August Hilltop Bugle is now available. |
NEW FEATURE - Purple Pig Gazette, Bob Farrens, Piggy Bank Chairman, 7/8/13 |
![]() This new publication will show us how our charitable donations are being used around Elkdom. Feel free to print it out. |
July 2013 Bugle, Phil Marquez(PER) and Morgan McLaughlin, 6/26/2013 |
The July Hilltop Bugle is now available. |
Teenager of the Month, Steve Vartanian |
Tonight, 6/20/2013, we host Sophia, Bob Turner's granddaughter as Teenager of the Month. |
Refreshed Officers Pictures, Scott Stephens |
The Lodge Officers pictures have been updated. Some new faces here. Commit this to memory. There will be a quiz. |
Special Child, Nyada Cline, 4/27/2013 Josh Brocard was born 12 years ago, and before he was born his parents knew he would be a downs child. Unfortunately, he came 3 months early. He spent the first 3 1/2 months of his life in NICU. Josh is literally a miracle baby. At 12 years of age Josh is very active and loves sports. Even though Josh plays sports year round (soccer, baseball, and football) his favorite sport is basketball. He loves playing basketball and watching all the games. Josh doesn't speak very well and uses a combination of speech and sign language. But the moment you put music on he starts singing. He communicates so much better with song. Josh's parents, Fran and Kevin take him to the Children's Concerts Series at the Segerstrom Concert Hall and Josh really enjoys listening to the music in those programs. He attends school daily and has the help of a therapist several times weekly. |
Once a month the Fullerton Elks members host a special needs child and their family at their lodge. This month's special child is Josh Brocard. ![]() After treating the family to dinner, The Fullerton Elks presented Josh with a mini I-Pad to help him with communications and play the music he loves. He also received a pin from the Fullerton Elks Exalted Ruler, Walt Edmonds, and a Special Child Pin. The family received a commemorative plaque. There were flowers for Josh's mother, Fran, and a keychain for his father, Kevin. Photographs were taken to preserve the memory. |
Sunday Brunch, Wil Cruz, 4/12/2013 Discount Ticket One day after the Hilltop Banquet Center's First Annual Spring Craft Show on Saturday, April 13th, 2013. See the Special Events Page. |
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February 2013 Bugle, Jeremy Newhouse, 1/28/2013 |
The February Hilltop Bugle is now available. |
ENF Video, Scott Stephens, 1/15/2013 |
![]() The Elks have produced a nice video on the Elks National Foundation. Have a look. |
January 2013 Bugle, Jeremy Newhouse, 1/8/2013 |
The latest Hilltop Bugle is now available. Apologies for lateness. |
Hoot Shoot By Steve Vartanian 12/19/2012 |
Hoop ShootOn December 15, 2012 The Fullerton Elks Lodge #1993 conducted its annual Hoop Shoot event at Fullerton College. Boys and girls ages 8-13 competed in the best out of 25 free throw contest. The first and second place winners will advance to the Orange Coast District contest on January 19, 2013 at Century High School in Santa Ana where they will compete with other contestants from all over Orange County."Hoop Shoot is a culmination of approximately 3 1/2 months of planning and effort", said Steve Vartanian, Hoop Shoot Chairman for the Fullerton Elks Lodge. The Fullerton Elks Lodge has successfully run their program for over 35 years and the home of two two-time National Champions, Bonnie Samuelson and Karlie Samuelson. Hoop Shoot is a national Elks program. Every year approximately 3,000,000 boys and girls compete nationally with the eventual winners' names being placed in the basketball Hall of Fame. Hoop Shoot is an activity designed to build self esteem while instilling our message of "Yes to Hoop Shoot and No to Drugs!" For more questions please contact Steve Vartanian, Hoop Shoot Chairman, at 714-390-0671 or vartanian1@aol.com. P. S. Thank you to our volunteers: Dennis Schul, Mike Mathers, Dan Casey, Dick Moore, Wil Cruz, Bob Ziebell and Steve Vartanian |
December Bugle, Jeremy Newhouse, 11/30/2012 |
The latest Hilltop Bugle is now available. |
Christmas Tree Lane, 11/30/2012 |
Christmas Tree Lane will be December 2, Sunday. See the November Bugle for a description of the event. |
November Bugle, Jeremy Newhouse, 10/31/2012 |
The latest Hilltop Bugle is now available. |
Hoot Shoot By Steve Vartanian 10/31/2012 |
Hoop ShootThe Fullerton Elks Lodge’s annual Hoop Shoot Contest will be Saturday, December 15 (not Dec. 8) from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM at Fullerton College Woman’s (south) Gym. Fullerton College is located at the corner of Chapman and Berkeley in Fullerton. Park in Lot 6 or 7. Boys and girls ages 8/9 will shoot at 9:15 AM, 10/11 at 10:00 AM and 12/13 at 11:00 AM. Their age is determined as to how old they will be on 4-1-2013.Please invite any and all young people to shoot with us. They will need a copy of their birth certificate. I will supply the basketballs. They will shoot the best of 25 free throws (10 then 15). Our goal is our motto: “Yes to Hoop Shoot and No to Drugs!” Please let me know if you would like to compete. My number is 714-390-0671, my fax is 714-579-7608 and my e-mail is vartanian1@aol.com. P. S. There is no charge for this event. |
Elk Passing, Webmaster, 10/7/2012 |
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October Bugle, Jeremy Newhouse, 10/1/2012 |
The latest Hilltop Bugle is now available. |
Hill Top Derby, Karla Green & Scott Stephens, 9/14/2012 |
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Hoot Shoot & "Teenagers" Updates, By steve Vartanian |
Hoop ShootOur annual Hoop Shoot contest will be on Saturday, December 8 from 9:30 until noon. Please invite all boys and girls ages 8-13 as of 4-1-13 to participate in our contest of the best out of 25 free throws. Please let me know all that have confirmed with you to participate.Our motto is "Yes to Hoop Shoot and No to Drugs". If you would like to donate your time or money to our Hoop Shoot contest please let me know. Thank you! Teenager of the MonthOur Teenager of the Month program continues to shine for our lodge. If you
would like to nominate a Teenager please let me know. The Teen may be a family
or non-member. In fact you are encouraged to nominate your family. All Teens
must accept the nomination, believe in God, be committed to a 100% drug free
lifestyle and be well rounded in their home, school and community. This is
not a straight A program even though some of our Teens are. |
Elk Passing, Richard Green, Asst. Esq. 7/24/2012 |
James Moore Green, Jr. of Fullerton, CA passed away on July 19, 2012. "Jack" was born in Anaheim, CA on June 25, 1924. He attended Texas A&M University. He retired as a controller from Hastings, Janofsky and Walker Law Offices in Los Angeles. ![]() Jack was preceded in death by Louise, his wife of 58 years. He is survived by two sons and their spouses, Jim and Drew Green, Richard and Karla Green and grandchildren, Beau McMinn, Shay McMinn and Stefanie Green. Honoring Jack's wishes, he will be cremated and his ashes will be scattered at sea. Please make any memorial donations to CHEMPI which is the California Hawaii Elks Association Major Project. Mail to Fullerton Elks Lodge, P.O. Box 1225, Fullerton, CA 92836-8225. McAulay & Wallace Mortuary |
Elk Passing, Kolleen M. Symmes, 7/4/2012 |
The passing of long-time Elk, Don V. Symmes, has been noted by his Daughter, Kolleen M. Symmes. A memorial is scheduled for this weekend. All Elks are invited. Contact ksymmes@san.rr.com for further information. ![]() |
July Bugle, Jeremy Newhouse, 6/27/2012 |
The latest Hilltop Bugle is now available. |
Special Child, Nyada Cline, Irene Imhof, 6/14/2012 ![]() ![]() |
MAY, 2012, VIVIAN MUSSACHIA Vivian Mussachia was the guest of the Fullerton Elks and honored as their Special Child of the month. Vivian was born on February 4, 2004, with Spinal Bifida and a club foot and was in the hospital for 10 days as a newborn. Her family brought her home on Valentine’s Day, 2004. Her neurologist gave her parents a very pessimistic prognosis. The doctor said she probably would not live very long, she would never talk, she would never walk, so they should have no expectations. Vivian proved this doctor wrong. She started talking when normal babies start talking. In spite of her club foot and spinal bifida she started walking when she was 18 months of age. Vivian has had ten surgeries and one surgery actually had to repair her neck as she was born without a C-1 vertebrae. That is the vertebrae in the neck that holds up the head. The doctors repaired and fused her neck so that her head would stay up. They took a rib from her and formed the missing C1 vertebrae. She had this surgery when she was only a year old, and she may need this surgery done again. A year later they found that she was leaking spinal fluid from her spinal cord due to her growth. The doctors repaired her spinal cord. She has had this procedure done twice now and she will need this surgery done again as she continues to grow. Vivian also had surgeries on her club foot and then developed a staff infection. In addition, she has bladder and kidney issues. Vivian has a high threshold for pain. After one of her surgeries she refused to talk. She was like that for a couple of days until Mickey Mouse came to visit, then she was able to speak again. In spite of this Vivian was able to play T-Ball at school. She has also participated with her family in the Intercoastal Cleanup Day, and she is a Girl Scout. Vivian loves baseball, Star Wars, Build a Bear, and She-ra the Princess of Power. She is mainstreamed in school and her favorite subject is math. There have been a lot of miracles in Vivian’s life and when you meet her you will know she is a very special little girl. Fullerton Elks treated the Mussachia family to dinner and gave Vivian a WII. The Elks will also be paying for the deductible for the new wheelchair she will be getting. In addition, another Special Child’s mother, Maribelle Sharp, donated a gift certificate for a haircut to Vivian. Flowers were given to Vivian’s mother, Beatrice, and Vivian’s Grandmother, Christina. Nyada Cline, Irene Imhof, Special Child Co-Chairmen |
Teenager of the Month, Steve Vartanian, 6/10/2012 |
On June 7 our lodge hosted Andrea Sigloch as our Teenager of the Month. Andrea was joined by her parents, Steve and Dara along with her younger sister Emily. The lodge hosted the family for dinner which was incredible as well. Stefan really waited on us. Andrea's dad Steve is a Lt. Colonel in the Army having served twice in Iraq. Her mom held the family together while he was deployed. Andrea attends Brea Junior High. Within two weeks the family will be transferred to Memphis. Our members happily presented Andrea with a Teenager of the Month Certificate, a 2012 Silver Dollar encased in a partriotic holder and a $50 gift card to Target. We also presented her younger sister Emily with a $25 gift card donated by Esther's Taco (visit them in Placentia and Yorba Linda for awesome food and fun). Thank you to the Sunday Brunch volunteers for hosting the dinner. You all are the best!!! If you would like to nominate a teen for Teenager of the Month please let me know. Yours in Service, Steve Vartanian Teenager of the Month Chairman 714-390-0671 vartanian1@aol.com |
June Bugle, Jeremy Newhouse, 5/30/2012 |
The latest Hilltop Bugle is now available. |
RV Rally, Richard Green, 5/12/2012 |
Prepare for the latest RV Rally in Hemet. |
Hilltop Bugle, Jeremy Newhouse, 5/5/2012 |
The latest Bugle is now available. The current Bugle is in traditional PDF form. A new style Bugle is being contemplated by new Publisher, Jeremy Newhouse. Stay tuned. |
Ritual Team, Phil Marquez ER, 4/30/12 |
Presenting our 2012 Ritual Team. The hardest working team in Elkdom. |
Officers Pictures, Rudy Lauterbach, 4/19/2012 |
We now have photos of our 2012-2013 Officers. |
Officers News Update, Phil Marquez, ER, 4/8/2012 |
Check out a new communication form for the web site. On the Home Page, near the bottom, click on the Officers News-Flash link. This page is written by the ER and appears immediately after submission. It allows officers to keep members informed about topics of interest without waiting a month for the Hilltop Bugle. Articles will be cumulative until the basket overflows. There may be many updates a month. So check the "inbox" occasionally. We are in the testing phase so constructive comments will be appreciated. |
April Lodge Meeting, Phil Marquez, ER, 4/5/2012 |
The Lodge meeting TONIGHT will be with the new set of Officers. Come on down and support the new team. Phil and the Officers will be sporting their new ties. Some say the color is fuchsia, but Phil thinks it's magenta. What say you? |
Web Site Update, Rudy Lauterbach, 3/10/12 |
The Lodge Web Site is starting to undergo its bi-centennial face lift. Today, the front page reverts back to the Fullerton Lodge, only. The Hilltop Banquet Center now has its own domain name, and a link to it (HilltopBanquetCenter.com) can be found on our Facilities Page. Be sure to check out the genuine You Tube video we now have on the Weddings Page. Plans are to attract thousands of twenty-somethings to get married at the HBC. In the future, changes described in Bugle articles will be flowing into these very pages. If any problems are noted, please inform the webmaster asap. |
March Bugle, Richard Green, 2/22/2012 |
The March 2012 Hilltop Bugle is now available. This is an early-bird special. |
February Bugle, Richard Green, 2/4/2012 Your Activities Committee February Calendar |
The February 2012 Hilltop Bugle is now available. Get ready for the "Studs Auction" . . . And for a downloadable file, click here. The February Calendar is now available. |
January Bugle, Richard Green, 12/31/2011 Your Activities Committee |
The January 2012 Hilltop Bugle is now available. Happy New Year Please note January's Special Events: A Comedy Show on January 14th, and A Shanghai Night on January 21st. |