Join us at the Elks Lodge for a satisfying breakfast/brunch/buffet.
See you there.

Exalted Ruler Charles "Butch" Rock of Fullerton Elks Lodge No.
1993, and Orange Coast Elks District are proud
supporters and volunteers to the
first-ever Orange County Veterans Stand Down.
We invite others to help the homeless and in-need veterans and their families to
participate along with us and come on September 17th and 18th to Santa Ana,
California, at Santa Ana College, Lot 13, corner of West 17th Street and College
Avenue. Registration takes place from 6:00 to 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, September
17 only.

Veterans First and the Rancho Santiago Community College District are presenting
Stand Down, with support of the California Department of Veterans Affairs
(CalVet), the U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs (USDVA), the American G.I.
Forum, The American Legion Post 291, and several other State, and Local
government and community-based organizations.
"Orange County has one of the largest veteran populations in the state. The
participation by those involved with the event is a testament to the dedication
of Californians to our statewide veterans community," said Peter Gravatt, CalVet
Secretary for Veterans Affairs.
Orange County is home to more than 100,000 veterans with hundreds of them living
on the streets. This two-day Stand Down event will offer homeless and in-need
veterans a wide variety of social services provided by state and local agencies
and community-based nonprofit organizations. Trained volunteers will help
veterans access medical, dental, vision and other services.
"As an active member of the Orange County veteran community, I am so proud that
this event is being held in the central part of Orange County where there are so
many who can benefit from what this event has to offer," said Robin Umberg,
CalVet Undersecretary for Veterans Homes.
The Stand Down model has been used in hundreds of cities all over the country to
help tens of thousands of homeless and in-need veterans and their families.
Call Orange County Stand Down to contribute through donations or volunteer
opportunities. Please visit the event website at or contact Veterans First at (714) 547-0615.
Wil Cruz, Publicity Chairman, (714) 879-7075, (714) 870-1993
“$3M in Scholarships Available This Fall”
“California and Tennessee Students Take Home First –Place MVS Scholarships”
Exalted Ruler Charles “Butch” Rock of Fullerton Elks Lodge No.
1993 is urging local Senior High School College bound students to apply to The
Elks National Foundation’s Most Valuable Student (MVS) Scholarship Program which
is designed to help high school students obtain a college education.
Roughly, twenty thousand students competed for an MVS scholarship this year, and
five hundred of them won scholarships worth various amounts. Two of those
winners, Chyi-Dean Shu, of Santa Ana, California, and Christina Lulich, of
Sevierville, Tennessee, are this year’s first place male, and female MVS
scholarship winners, and they will receive $60,000 for their college education
over the course of four years.
In addition to the two first–place awards, the 2011 MVS Scholarship Program
gave sixteen students scholarships valued at between $8,000 and $40,000, and 482
students received scholarships worth $4000. Altogether, the Elks National
Foundation awarded $2.296 million in MVS scholarships in 2011.
Other scholarships are available through the California-Hawaii Elks Association
(CHEA) and are available for Vocational-Technical Scholarship Program and The
Students with Disabilities Grant.
For more information about the Most Valuable Student Scholarship Program,
including eligibility and deadlines, please visit and
obtain an application from your local lodge Secretary, applications will be
available on September 1, 2011. Deadline is December 2, 2011.
For more information call: (714) 992-1642, Bill Flaherty, Scholarship Chairman
Bob Ziebell, Secretary (714) 870-1993, Wil Cruz, Publicity and PR Chairman

Captioned Photo: Elk Member Bill Flaherty
Scholarship Chairman and Exalter
Ruler Charles “Butch” Rock, presented the following students various
scholarships at the local level: Grant Bishop, Zachary Ouderzkerlas, Ashley
Younger, Kevin Fortier, Leah Espinoza and Michelle Skinner on 3/9/11.