1956: (Ancient History) | (Click for Modern History) |
The Fullerton Elks Lodge #1993 began life on March 17, 1956. There were 1,209 charter members, 489 transfers and 720 new initiates. There was no Lodge building at that time, so they met at the Moose Hall (originally Odd Fellows Hall, later the Williams Co.) on East Commonwealth Avenue.
Oscar W. Stutheit, DDGER, acted for the Grand Exalted Ruler in instituting the lodge at the ceremonies on Saturday, March 17, 1956, at the Fullerton College Gymnasium. (No Photos available. Anyone having some, please notify webmaster.) Officers of Anaheim Lodge #1345 conducted the initiation of charter members, and then Past Grand Exalted Ruler L.A. Lewis led installing officers, presenting the first Fullerton Elks Officers.
Title | Member | Title | Member |
Exalted Ruler | D.A. Armstrong | Trustees | Lloyd Verry |
Leading Knight | C.O. Stewart | Howard Cornwell | |
Loyal Knight | Glenn Walters | Harry Crosby | |
Lecturing Knight | Lloyd Riutcel | Harry Stein | |
Secretary | Watson Osenbaugh | Marvin Stutheit | |
Treasurer | Everette Farnsworth | Chaplain | Donald V. Kisner |
Inner Guard | W.B. Danenhauer | Organist | Donald A. Keeney |
Esquire | Robert W. Berry | Tiler | Cloyd Musser |
December Bugle, Richard Green, 12/1/2011 |
The December Hilltop Bugle is now available. |
Christmas Lunch, Show, and Desserts, Irene Imhof and Steve Marciano, 11/18/2011. Special Child Benefit. Golf Results, Walt Wagner Hoop Shoot Trials, Steve Vartanian |
Merry Christmas - Click here for more information with the Alley Cats.
![]() November Tournament Results, 2011, are available. Information on the upcoming competition, 2011, is available. |
November Bugle, Richard Green, 10/27/2011 |
The November Hilltop Bugle is now available. |
Champagne Brunch, Wil Cruz, 10/5/2011 Golf Results, Walt Wagner |
![]() Hungry? Try our famous Sunday Brunch. Click here for more information. October Tournament Results, 2011, are available. |
October Bugle, Richard Green, 9/27/2011 |
The October Hilltop Bugle is now available. |
Fireman Appreciation, Wil Cruz, 9/13/2011 |
Elks deliver 60 meals to 12 Fire stations. |
Elks RV Rally, Scott Stephens 9/10/11 Casino Night, Ralph Terrazas Entertainment Update, Billy G. International Meals Night, Tracey Scholarships Available, Wil Cruz |
Click Here to see info on the Oct. 6-8, 2011, 43rd annual RV Rally. Click Here to see info on the Nov. 5, 2011, Casino Night. Friday Bands Booked, 2011, now available. Wednesdays will now be INTERNATIONAL FOOD NIGHT. With Movies included! Click here to see the menu. Click Here. Exalted Ruler Charles “Butch” Rock of Fullerton Elks Lodge No. 1993 is urging local Senior High School College-bound students to apply to The Elks National Foundation’s Most Valuable Student (MVS) Scholarship Program which is designed to help high school students obtain a college education. Click Here. |
Latest Bugle, Richard Green 8/31/2011 |
The September Hilltop Bugle is now available. |
Veterans "Stand Down", Wil Cruz, 8/26/2011 Wedding Package Update, Tracey Theobold Postage Stamps, Wil Cruz |
![]() Our Wedding "Full Package" information and Wedding Buffet Menu are now shown. Believe it or not: You can now buy US Postage Stamps, with a genuine Elks logo, from the Elks. Your purchase will help fill Purple Pigs. (Acrobat Reader required) |
Golf Tourney Update, Walt Wagner, 8/15/2011 Teenager of Month Update, Steve Vartanian Entertainment Update, Billy G. More Weddings Pics, Tracey |
August Tournament Results, 2011, is available. August Teen of the Month, 2011, is available. Friday Bands Booked, 2011, now available. Additional wedding setup photos are available. |
Special Child, Nyada Cline 8/6/2011 |
Special Child award for July, 2011, is available.
Latest Bugle, Richard Green 7/24/2011 August Calendar, Butch Rock, ER 7/24/2011 Golf Results, Walt Wagner |
The August Hilltop Bugle is now available. The August Calendar is now available. July Golf Tournament results are available. |
Latest Bugle, Richard Green 6/26/2011 July Calendar, Butch Rock, ER 6/30/2011 Special Child Pictures, Richard Green 6/30/2011 |
The July Hilltop Bugle is now available. The July Calendar is now available. Updates to Special Child pictures are complete. |
Special Child, Nyada Cline 6/20/2011 Golf Results, Walt Wagner |
Updates to April, May, and June Special Child page. Results of the June Golf Tournament are available. |
Association VP Visit,Tom Conlon, PDDGER, 6/7/2011 |
Flag Day Ceremonies, Wil Cruz, 6/7/2011 |
Our 2011 Flag Day ceremony description is now available. Follow this link. |
Latest Calendar, Butch Rock, ER 6/2/2011 July 4th Announcement, Walt Edmonds, Lect. Kt |
The June Calendar is now available. Plan on Independence Day activities - the Fourth of July. |
Latest Bugle, Richard Green 5/25/2011 Flag Day Reminder, Butch Rock, ER |
The June Hilltop Bugle is now available. AMERICA..... HOME OF THE FREE, BECAUSE OF THE BRAVE. PRAY FOR OUR TROOPS. |
Special Events, Irene Imhof and the Activities Committee (5/20/2011) |
Plan on the Doo Wop Dance in June , on Saturday, the 18th, as a Special Event that will feature The Alley Cats band - (A Reminder) |
Friday Lunch, Tracey, 5/11/2011 Puerto Rican Dinner, David Redfearn |
The Lounge is now open, as of May 13th, for LUNCH. Please stop by and give us a try. Saturday Night September 17th. Cocktails 6 PM, Puerto Rican Dinner at 7 PM. Location: Huntington Beach Lodge. See leading knight Phil Marquez for tickets or pay at the door. $20 per person. |
Activities, Emblem Club, 5/8/2011 Previous Catalina Cruise, Scott Stephens |
Pechanga Casino Bus Trip. Possibly full by now. Recap of the Memorable Catalina Cruise. |
Special Child, Nyada Cline, 5/7/2011 Activities, Irene Imhof Golf, Walt Wagner |
Update on the Morales Special Child Family. Now advertising the Doo Wop Dance in June. Results from the May 2nd Tournament are in. |
Restaurant Schedule, Webmaster, 5/1/2011 |
Additions to our "View" Restaurant page showing a weekly schedule of fine food offerings. |
2011 Officers, Webmaster, 4/23/2011 Special Child, Webmaster |
Pictures of all 2011 Officers are now available. Pictures of our new leaders for the Special Child program are now available, as well as preliminary information on the April Special Child. |
Campers, Dick Moore, PER, 4/12/2011 Officers, Rudy Lauterbach Charity Golf Tournament, ED REPIC, DDGER |
Latest Bugle, Richard Green 3/31/2011 April Calendar, From Butch Rock, ER/PER |
The April Hilltop Bugle is now available. The April calendar is also available. Pictures from the recent New Officers Installation will soon be available. |
Special Child, Scott Stephens, PER, 3/15/2011 and Richard Green, Lodge Photographer |
An update from last year: Searching the archives, we found Special Child Gregory Delgado (April 2010). We now update his pictures. This update is especially poignant because of a photo of Don Ingraham doing what he really enjoyed, and the loving face on Gregory's little sister. |
Special Child, Scott Stephens, PER, 3/14/2011 Web Committee, From Rudy Lauterbach |
Several Special Child atricles have been updated. An updated picture of Web Committee members has been cobbled together. |
Golf Update, From Walt Wagner, 3/10/2011 |
Results of Golf Tournament on 3-7-11 are now available. |
Latest Bugle, From Richard Green, 2/27/11 |
The March 2011 Bugle is now available. And the March Calendar is up. |
Golf Update, From Evelyn Wagner, 2/20/2011 District Golf Tournament, from Ed Repic Special Child Update, from Scott Stephens, PER Hoop Shoot Update Update, from Steve Vartanian An Updated Wine List, from Scott Stephens, PER |
Golf Tournament results for 2-7-11 are in. ![]() Click for details. Photos for December's Special Child, Eon Davis, are shown. January's Diego Saldana is profiled. Hoop Shoot winners Jianna Edwards and Katie Lou Samuelson are announced. Our wine connoisseur details "The View's" current selections. |
Elks Site Update, From Rudy Lauterbach |
The web site has been slightly reorganized to better simplify access for customers seeking information on the Hilltop Banquet Center. Navigation should be straightforward if you follow the words on the screen. ALSO, a Facilities page replaces the former Lodge page. Feedback is requested for anything that looks incorrect, or needs more explanation. |
Hilltop Banquet Center, From Rudy Lauterbach |
The Hilltop Banquet Center is open for business. A promotion to increase business is under way. Please pass the word to anyone or any group that could use our facilities. |
Contact Page Update, From Rudy Lauterbach, and Elks Club new page, 1/30/2011. |
The Contact Page now provides easy links to the other nine Elks Lodges in the Orange Coast District. This should make it easier to see what's going on elsewhere. If there is some feature on the other sites that would be really useful for our site, but not too hard to set up, let the webmaster know. A new, preliminary page advertising the "Elks Club" is now available. Ideas for what facilities, features, advantages, and benefits the Lodge can provide are being solicited. Comments are welcome. Use the Suggestion Page or tell one of the officers. |
Latest Calendar, From Butch Rock, ER, via Bugle, 1/24/11 Wedding Facilities, From Tracey Theobold, Elks Club Manager Latest Bugle, From Richard Green, 1/24/11 |
The February Calendar is now available. Tracey has added more photographs to the Weddings Page. The Elks Lodge now offers wedding facilities. If you know any candidates, please let the happy couple (or their parents) know about us. Thank you. The February, 2011, early bird Bugle is now available. |
Golf Tournaments Update, From Evelyn Wagner Linda Lee Update, From Scott Stephens, PER Saturday Chef Needed, From Scott Stephens, PER |
The Schedule for 2011 Golf Tournmanets is now available.
Linda Lee Thomson, Leading Knight, is a fighter. She is back in
Critical Care (at St. Jude) again today. She seemed to be doing
ok yesterday and this morning (still paralyzed and can’t speak),
but then she had a severe respiratory attack and couldn’t stop
choking. The doctors aren’t quite sure what caused it, but they
have her stabilized. The family thanks you all for your prayers.
I’m sure
all of you are aware by now that Past Exalted Ruler, Don Ingraham
has passed away. This left some huge holes at the Fullerton Elks Lodge,
not only in our hearts, but also in some of the many programs that he
volunteered in. One such program was the Saturday Tacos. Don and Sue and
the rest of their helpers always made sure that there were fresh tacos or
Sloppy Joes in the lounge every Saturday. Although quite a simple food it
kept people coming in to watch some games and enjoy a cocktail or two.
We need to continue this simple and easy volunteer service, for our members to continue supporting our club and we need your help to do it. I know many of you have volunteered countless hours over the years. There are also many who have not and many brand new members among you. In either case please consider volunteering on an occasional Saturday for a few hours. It would mean a great deal to your lodge. Renee is spearheading the volunteer effort for this program. His phone number is (714) 529-3722. You may also contact me (at the number below) or the Lodge Activities Chairman, Nick Ortega @ (714)992-1817, to volunteer with any other programs. Thank you in advance for your consideration and support. |
Special Child Update, From Scott Stephens, PER |
The December Special Child Christmas Party photographs are now available. Photos for December and April (2010) Special Child awards are being processed. |
Latest Bugle, From Richard Green, 1/3/11 |
Happy New Year The January, 2011, Bugle is now available. And, the January Calendar is now shown. (Web Note: For Internet Explorer users, to enlarge any page, do |
Hoot Shoot Info, From Steve Vartanian |
Results from the December 9 Hoop Shoot event are in. |
Golf Tournament Results, from Evelyn Wagner Special Child Photos, from Richard Green |
Results from "Westridge" golf tournament are in. Updated photos from October and November Special Child Night are now available. |
Latest Bugle, From Richard Green, 12/4/10 Hoot Shoot Info, From Steve Vartanian Latest Campout, From Scott Stephens, PER Special Child Update, From Scott Stephens, PER Kill & Grill Update, From Scott Stephens, PER |
The December Bugle is now available. The current Hoop Shoot Battle is imminent! Palm Springs 'campout' info is ready. October and November Special Child information is now available. Kill & Grill: Fun, Fun, Fun For the whole Family. Come on up to the lounge for a great evening of hilarity & camaraderie on the 4th Saturday of every month. Why you ask; Grill Your Own Kill & Karaoke of course. It's FREE. ![]() |
Latest Calendar, From Butch Rock, ER, via Bugle, 11/6/10 Golf Scores, From Evelyn Wagner October Campout, From Scott Stephens, PER Wedding Facilities, From Tracey Theobold, Elks Club Manager |
The November Calendar is now available. Scores from Royal Vista Golf Tourney are available. Oceanside October Campout Info is available. The Elks Lodge now offers wedding facilities. If you know any candidates, please let the happy couple know about us. Thank you. |
Latest Bugle, From Richard Green, 9/20/10 |
The November Bugle is now available. |
Golf Tournament Results, from Evelyn Wagner |
Results from "Paradise Knolls" golf tournament are in. |
Karaoke Night, From Scott Stephens, PER,
10/1/2010 |
We wanted to get this out to you as soon as possible so you could mark your calendars NOW. Mary Kay and I, along with the Karaoke Divas are bringing back the highly successful “Grill Your Own Kill and Karaoke” nights. We’ll have all the singers and attendees from 10 years ago at the first event (10/23) and we’ll show the old embarrassing videos, for a good laugh. Please print the flyer attached, mark the first 3 dates on your calendar and come on up to this fabulously fun evening. |
Special Child Update, From Scott Stephens, PER,
and Richard Green, 9/26/10 |
Photos and text for Special Child Richard Landeau are now available. Also, we will be hosting all our Special Children from the last 3 years, to a private Christmas Party, featuring a visit from Santa, with gifts for all the children (including siblings), snacks, hot cocoa and more, on December 19th. If you are interested in helping out, please call me (Scott) at (714) 801-6230. |
Latest Bugle, From Richard Green, 9/20/10 and Special Child Photos, from Richard Green and Golf Tournament Results, from Evelyn Wagner |
The October Bugle is now available. Photos for Special Child Kira Romero are now available. Results from "Cresta Verde" golf tournament are in. And a little early, the October Calendar is available. |
Updates - Sep. 2, 2010, from Webmaster |
The September Bugle is now available. A Special Child award for Kira Romero is now described. The August Hilltoppers Campout is profiled. Tracey is now pictured as the new Elks Club Manager. And finally, the September Calendar is shown. (See if you can find all of the above without links here. This is your test on web site navigability.) |
Golf Tournament Results - Aug. 7, 2010, from Evelyn Wagner |
Results from Jurupa O.C.District Tournament are in. Good photo! |
Latest Bugle, From Richard Green, 7/27/10 and Special Child Additions, from Scott Stephenson, PER and Golf Tournament Results, from Evelyn Wagner |
The August Bugle is on the web site. and the August Calendar is also available. Two Special Child updates - Fabrizio Sobrino (May, 2010) and Nathan Fonseca (July, 2010) are now shown. Results from "Indian Hills" golf tournament are in. |
Latest Bugle, From Richard Green, 6/28/10 |
The July Bugle is on the web site. And, the July Calendar is also available. |
Press Release, From Will Cruz, 6/5/10 |
World War II Marine veteran and Purple Heart recipient Louis McKay, Sr. will be speaking this month to a patriotic crowd of citizens at the Fullerton Elks Lodge about what it means to be an American, his war experience, and the importance of honoring our nation's flag for Flag Day. McKay, 87, is the guest speaker for the Elks' 99th Annual Celebration of Flag Day on Thursday, June 17 at the Fullerton Elks Lodge, near the intersection of Harbor Blvd. and Brea Blvd. McKay enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps. in his hometown of Douglas, Ariz. in 1943, at age 18, and was trained to be a part of the elite special forces and the famed Carlson Raiders. McKay was wounded in action and lost a leg in Okinawa for which he was awarded the Purple Heart. He also received three Bronze Stars and a Presidential Unit Citation. He is named in the registry for the National World War II Memorial, in Washington D.C., for his service in Saipan, Tinian and Okinawa. At a time when Americans may sometimes wrestle with how to best honor our history and show pride for our national symbols, the Elks and McKay firmly believe we must never forget those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom and why they did it. “Even today, I feel very strongly that a lot of Americans take their peace for granted,” said McKay. Other participants in the Flag Day ceremony include: American Legion Color Guard, Post 72 and 277; Fullerton Mayor Don Bankhead; St. Mary's Catholic Church Deacon Manuel Chavira, a Vietnam veteran; and singers Kristen Romero and Kendal Stephens. Boy Scout Troop No. 1232 will conduct a presentation of our past U.S. flags. The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks have celebrated Flag Day since the early days of the organization, and an allegiance to the flag is a requirement of every member. In 1907, the Elks Grand Lodge designated by resolution June 14 as Flag Day and adopted a mandatory observance of the occasion by every Lodge in 1911. In 1949, President Harry Truman proclaimed June 14 would be a day of national observance for the symbol of our country. The Flag Day Celebration is open to the public. Dinner starts being served at 5:30 p.m., and the program begins at 8 p.m. Contact: Wil Cruz, Flag Day Celebration Chairman, Mike Cruz, Publicity (714) 879-7075 (909) 567-0794 |
Latest Bugle, From Richard Green, 5/24/10 |
Another early bird edition (June 2010) of the Hilltop Bugle is now available. The web site gets special priviledges! |
Camping & Baseball, From Scott Stephens, PER, 5/15/10 |
Latest Hilltop Campers Update is now available. And, this years "Elk's Night" at the Flyers Baseball Game tickets are now available. Click here for information. |
Latest Bugle, From Richard Green, 5/2/10 |
The May Bugle is on the web site. And, the May Calendar is also available. |
Updates, From R. Lauterbach, 4/8/10 |
The Golf Committee has posted results and future tournaments on the Golf page. Thank you Evelyn Wagner. Also, photographs are now published for February's Special Child, Julianne Aceves. And finally, the April 2010 Calendar is up. |
New Officers, From R. Lauterbach, 4/8/10 |
Pictures of the new Officers for 2010 and VIP's are now available on the Officers page. Also, the April Hilltop Bugle is now available. |
Latest Bugle, From Richard Green, 2/22/10 |
The early bird edition (March 2010) of the Hilltop Bugle is now available. Way to go Richard ! |
Updates, From R. Lauterbach , 2/18/10 |
Some minor updates to the March Calendar and Hilltop Campers Schedule have been made. Interested partys should take note. For details, contact ER Dick Moore or PER Scott Stephens. |
Latest Campers Schedule, From Ron Von Soosten , 2/15/10 |
The Hilltop Campers have issued their updated 2010 schedule. Follow this link and then select either a beautifully formatted MS Word document or a plain text document. |
Latest Calendars, From Dick Moore, 2/11/10 |
The February and March calendars are now available. (Apologies for the delay.) |
Latest Bugle, From Richard Green, 2/9/10 |
The February, 2010, Hilltop Bugle is now available. |
Camping Schedule, From Scott Stephens, 1/26/10 |
The 2010 Hilltop Campers campout schedule is now available. |
Merry Christmas, From Santa, 12/12/09 |
![]() And a Happy New Year to All. |
Update, From Webmaster, 11/19/09 |
The December Hilltop Bugle is now available.. And the Special Child for November is now described. Photos coming. |
Hoop Shoot Event, From Steve Vartanian, 11/19/09 |
Upcoming event - Annual Hoop Shoot. Click here. Please contact Steve if you would like to volunteer or enter a child for this wonderful event. |
Web Update, From Webmaster, 11/2/09 |
The November Calendar is now displayed. Photos from the Camping Club Oceanside campout are on the Camping page. There are 2 updates to Special Child events. And finally, the November Hilltop Bugle is 'up'. |
Web Update, From Webmaster, 10/7/9 |
The October Calendar is now displayed. AND, photos from the Camping Club Rally are now shown. See the Sep. 24 link. |
Elks Links, From Webmaster, 9/15/9 |
Check out the 'Contact' page for links to other Elks web sites: USA Elks, Orange Coast District Elks, and CHEA Elks. |
Pajama Party, From Scott Stephens, PER, 9/9/9 |
'Mary Kay and I are throwing the first ever Pajama Party at the Fullerton Elks Lodge. We would love to have you come let your hair down with us.' Saturday, September 19, 2009, 6-11pm. See the September Bugle front page for details. |
Updates, From Rudy Lauterbach, 9/9/9 |
September Bugle is available. July and August Special Child
articles are included. Webmaster is semi-ambulatory again.
Updates, From Rudy Lauterbach, 7/4/09 |
There is a June, 2009, addition to the Special Child page:
Dylan Abbey. Also, the Hilltop Bugle Online has been restored. Just one thing: You must know the password. Get it from an officer, write it down, committ it to memory, burn the paper, and swallow the ashes. Otherwise, you know what might happen. |
Elks in the News, From Rudy Lauterbach, 7/4/09 |
************************************************************* Elks Lodges to be visited by a rolling caravan of one. Orange County Register columnist Frank Mickadeit will visit 11 (eleven) Lodges from July 15 through July 25. Read all about it at this web site. ************************************************************* |
Web Site Update, From Rudy Lauterbach, 6/18/09 |
The June calendar is now current. ALSO: To officers and committee chairs - if you would like your phone numbers (cell, office, home) or email addresses deleted, modified, or added, please notify the webmaster. The web committee has decided not to do any bulk changes because some people WANT their information displayed, and some DON'T. So how would we know? Check the Officers and Activities pages for your entries. Thank you. |
Duty Roster, From Linda Lee Thomson, 6/8/09 |
Click here for the Officer's Duty Roster |
Baseball Game Canceled, From Scott Stephens, 6/8/09 |
Elk's Night with the Flyers on July 29 has to be canceled. The opponent from Mexico will not be allowed to play due to concerns over swine flu. |
Hilltop Bugle, From Dick Moore, ER, 6/8/09 |
Unfortunately, the Bugle must be removed from the web page. We are considering making the Bugle available by email. Since security is the chief concern for this change, requests for the Bugle by email must be approved by the Secretary. Please send your requests, including your email address, full name, and membership number, to bpoe1993@sbcglobal.net. A mail list will be compiled. Hopefully, emailing will begin soon. |
Ruby's Restaurant, From Scott Stephens, PER, 6/8/09 |
Click Here for a FUND RAISING COUPON. HELP THE EMBLEM CLUB to provide student school supplies. Good June 10, 2009 - Wednesday |
Special Citation, From Rudy Lauterbach, 6/8/09 |
The Fullerton Lodge was awarded a Special Citation on June 4, 2009, for our work with the WEB SITE in promoting Elkdom. Click here for the certificate. |
Tea Party, Fashion Show, and Dancers , From Pauline Ling, 5/14/09 |
In 2 1/2 weeks on May 30th (the weekend after Memorial Day) from 11:30 AM to 2:30 PM the Fullerton Hilltoppers (camping club) are having a Fashion Show, Tea,(Luncheon) and a chorus line entertainment. The price is just $20 and the proceeds go to our Lodge. We want this to be a success and need for all the spouses (Men are welcome too) to join us. You can get tickets from Lillian at the Lodge, or from Ellie Castillo, Marcy Mannan, or me. We need a good count, so puchase them ASAP. We can also mail you the tickets. Just call me at 562-943-7486 or 562-810-6130 or e-mail me at plingpb@aol.com. |
Memorial Day, From Scott Stephens, 5/14/09 |
Remember Memorial Day - click here. And see our updates on Special Child and Campers pages - Activities. |
Mexican Riviera Cruise, From Scott Stephens, 5/11/09 |
Interested in a cruise? Time to plan ahead. Select this link. |
Hoop Shoot, Steve Vartanian, 5/7/09 |
We have a "National Champion" ! |
Hilltop Bugle, From Richard Green, 3/28/09 |
The April Bugle is hot off the press, and now on the wire. |
Campers Update, From Scott Stephens, PER, 3/28/09 |
Campers page now shows pictures from four campouts. Schedule of upcoming events is now available. |
Updates, From Webmaster 3/15/09 |
Campers News from Scott Stephens Membership News, also from Scott Golf Chairpersons Pictures |
Initiations, From Bob Ziebell 2/26/09 |
The group of 10 people shown below is the last initiation
class of the 2008/9 Elk's Year. We added 166 new
Elk's to our rolls this year. 123 were brand new, and
the others were transfers or reinstatements. Check the
Bugle for their names.![]() |
Elk's Lounge, From Rudy Lauterbach 2/26/09 |
Dinner at the Elk's Lodge on a cold winter's night.
![]() |
Special Child, From Scott Stephens 2/19/09 |
Special Child Alex Bonilla was honored with a gift to help him learn better. |
March Bugle, From Richard Green 2/19/09 |
The new Hilltop Bugle is hot off the digital press. Click here. |
Inaugural Ball, From Larry Nadler 2/15/09 |
Tickets are now on sale for the Fullerton Elks
Lodge #1993 Inaugural Ball for 2009 - 2010, honoring
newly installed Exalted Ruler Dick Moore and First Lady Mary.
To be held on March 28th, 2009, at the Lodge. No host bar and Hors d'Oeuvres at 5:30pm, dinner and dancing from 8:00 - 11:00pm, Grand March at 8:30pm. Donation for reserved seating $30.00 (only 150 tickets will be sold). Purchase tickets at the Lodge Office or see Larry Nadler. |
Committee Updates, From Rudy Lauterbach 2/12/09 |
The Greeters Committee is now posting greeter assignments on the
Activities -> Greeters page. And ... The Bugle page now includes Jan and Feb issues of 2009 on the Activities -> Hilltop Bugle page. To OTHER Committees: Send your notices that you would like published to the webmaster. |
St. Patrick's Day, From Scott Stephens, PER. 1/24/09 |
Make plans for a St. Patrick's Day event. Click here for all of the information. |
Special Child Update, From Scott Stephens, PER |
Here is an update on Cheyenne. She needs moral support and would appreciate email from Elks. Thank you. |
Memorial Service, From Tom Conlon, ER |
We will be having our required memorial service on Thursday evening December 4th. This is an open meeting to all members and guests. Lost members are listed here. It would be nice if we could have eulogies for each of these members. If there is a member on the list that you could say a few words about, it would add to the service. Thank you, Tom Conlon. |
Campers Update, From Scott Stephens, PER |
Check out Campers link on the Activities Page |
Teen Recognition, From Steve Vartanian. |
Read about the Teenager of the Month for September. Click here for the Teen Recognition Committee on the Activities Page |
Special Child Update, From Scott Stephens. |
New stories and photos of two recent special children. Click here for the Special Child Committee on the Activities Page |
The Hilltop Bugle, From Richard Green. |
The Hilltop Bugle is now IN COLOR !!! Click here to read the COLORFUL November Issue. Then maximize the new window. This is a very nice addition, and edition. However, the larger size (5.4MB) makes for a longer download. But it's worth it. |
Elks Suggestion Box, From Rudy Lauterbach. |
This web site now has a Suggestion Box. Due to
popular demand, the Contact Page
now provides everyone a way to offer "Suggestions" to
the management. You may include your name or remain
anonymous, so be kind. Even though this has been a stressful
year, improvements are needed, and suggestions may help set
future priorities.
The Hilltop Bugle, From Richard Green. |
The Hilltop Bugle is now accessible from this web site. Click here to read the November Issue. Then maximize the new window. What do you think? You should download Adobe Reader if you don't already have it. Enjoy! (Because of the size, please be patient. It takes a while to download. If you are still on dialup, you may want to save it to disk once downloaded.) |
Food For Needy Families, From Larry Nadler. | A barrel has been placed in the lobby area to collect canned food items for charity. Please be generous; if each member donates just one can we'll have collected over 600 canned food items for our needy families. THINK ABOUT IT, hmmm. | |||||||||||||||
International Cuisine Anyone ?, From Linda Lee Thomson. | Tuesday has become more of an "International Fare" night. We had Chinese food one night and lasagna another night, and a traditional turkey dinner for Thanksgiving. Dinner has been $10.00 and that includes a well drink, wine or beer ticket. Patrons should call the lodge for the theme of the day, and the soup du jour. The du jour is always swell. | |||||||||||||||
Christmas Tree Lane, From Larry Nadler. | Please see the Christmas Tree Lane Committee link on the Activities page. Or, just click here. | |||||||||||||||
Special Child Program, From Scott Stephens. | Please see the Special Child Committee link on the Activities page. Or, just click here. | |||||||||||||||
Mexican Fiesta, From Eleanor Castillo and Richard Green, re: September 20, 2008. | Unfortunately, all tickets have been sold. Thank you all for buying your tickets early. | |||||||||||||||
2008 Elks Convention, 7/4/08, thanks to a link from the Huntington Beach Elks web page, from a note from Scott Stephens, PER. | The official page for the 2008 Elks Convention The convention date is July 6-10, Anaheim. | |||||||||||||||
Elk Photos, 6/29/08. | A new page for interesting photographs. Maybe yours. | |||||||||||||||
Flag Day, 6/18/08. |
Remember 6/19/08 for the Flag Day Program. And see Larry Nadler's (LK) Flag Day Committee page on the Activities page for some inspiring views of Old Glory. |
Updates, 6/14/08. | Please review the Calendar and Meals pages for some updates. | |||||||||||||||
Hilltop Resort Web Page, from Scott Stephens PER, 6/5/08. | Want to see how our Lodge is being advertised? Click here. We ought to go there sometime. | |||||||||||||||
Newport Harbor Cruise, from Travis Brown, 5/23/08. | Invitation for some harbor cruising. Newport Harbor Elks #1767, July 4-9 | |||||||||||||||
Second new-member initiation
in the new Lodge. 17 new members. 5/22/08. |
![]() ![]() Select picture for enlarged view. |
Karaoke BBQ Wednesday ! from Julianne, 5/22/08. | KARAOKE BBQ WEDNESDAY May 28, 2008, PLEASE BRING ALL FAMILY & FRIENDS ..... GREAT NIGHT OF ENTERTAINMENT | |||||||||||||||
Wine Tasting, from Richard Green, 5/19/08. | Keep June 14, 2008, open. Select here for information, or call Scott Stephens PER. | |||||||||||||||
Mothers Day Brunch 5/11/08 | Select here for photos. | |||||||||||||||
Activities coming up. | See Activities -> Camping for Scott Stephens's PER report on camping. See Larry Nadler's reminder for June 19, Flag Day, on the Calendar page. | |||||||||||||||
From Bob Ziebel SEC, 5/7/08. | The Lodge Office has now been moved to the new building: 1400 Elks View Lane, Fullerton, CA 92836, out of the Commonwealth facility. | |||||||||||||||
From Julianne Hyanes, our Elks Club Manager. | Many thanks to all members for your
support during our pre-opening stages, as we go through little
growing pains, here and there. The good news is we are making
progress!!!. And I look forward to continued successful events.
I sincerely appreciate the additional help from volunteers for Friday
night dinners and Wednesday night BBQ's. A sign up sheet for members
wishing to assist in these areas, is available at the lodge entrance.
Member volunteering is a great way to interact with each other and
become acquainted with our "New Members". We would like to offer Ballroom Dancing lessons, on a Tuesday night! Given enough interest, I can pursue this idea. A Sign-Up Sheet is available at the Lodge Entrance. Any member ideas and or suggestions are most welcome, so please do let me know. We thought it might be fun to have Karaoke during our Wednesday night BBQ's. ???? It was decided that on BBQ nights, we should use a heavy plastic plate with regular silverware. This will help our labor, re dish washing. After all, it is "BBQ". Hope this is OK with all our loyal Wednesday night guests!! Again, from this corner of the Lodge, many thanks, and I Look forward to seeing everyone every night we are open!!!! (Thanks, Elmo.) |
From Scott Stephens PER, 5/6/08, Re: Homer M. Bancroft (Bud), 88 years old. |
Exalted Ruler, Fullerton -'74-'75. Passed away May 3, 2008. He leaves behind his wife Jean, 2 daughters, 7 grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren. Services will be graveside Friday, May 9th at 11:45AM, staging area #4, Riverside National Cemetery. Saddleback Chapel-Tustin. You may visit OCRegister.com/obits to express condolences and sign the guest book. | |||||||||||||||
Ritual Contest News, from Linda Lee Thomson, CH. The contest was held on 4/26/08 at the Santa Ana Lodge. | Fullerton Lodge ritual team came in fourth place with only 4 practices and 1 live installation prior to performing. Linda Lee Thomson, Chaplain, came in second. Garden Grove Lodge came in first place in the Orange Coast District. Scott Stephens, Ritual Coach, had everyone whipped into shape. | |||||||||||||||
First new-member initiation in the new Lodge. 37 new members. 4/24/2008, and Elks Awards |
![]() Select here for additional initiation pictures, PLUS Elks Awards by Tom Conlon ER. |
From Betty Moore and Linda Lee Thomson (CH), 4/21/08, Re: Russ Mangold. | Viewing: Tuesday 4-22 from 4PM to 7PM; At: McAulay & Wallace, 902 N. Harbor Blvd. Fullerton, CA; Service: Wednesday 4-23 10:00 AM at St Angela Merici Church, 575 or 585 S. Walnut Ave Brea, CA. Lunch at Russell's home after the service. | |||||||||||||||
From Tom Conlon ER, 4/19/08 | It is my sad duty to announce that our one year Trustee, Russ Mangold, passed away early Saturday morning. Services are pending. There will be a social gathering, after the service, at the Fullerton Elks Lodge. | |||||||||||||||
Dinner and Dancing in the evening, after Grand Opening Ceremonies, 04/12/2008 | Select here for pictures. | |||||||||||||||
O.C.Register Announcement, 4/16/08 | Article on Grand Opening | |||||||||||||||
First Official Meeting in New Lodge Building, 4/10/08 |
![]() for enlargement. Then maximize window. |
Fullerton News Tribune Announcement, 4/10/08 | Article on Grand Opening |